The Prophecies of Nostradamus

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"Les Prophéties" (The Prophecies) is a collection of prophecies by French physician Nostradamus, first published in 1555. The book consists of ten sets of verses called "Centuries," each containing 100 quatrains. The initial edition contained three Centuries and 53 quatrains, followed by a second edition with minor differences. The third edition, published in 1557, added three more Centuries. The fourth edition, released in 1568 after Nostradamus's death, includes all ten Centuries and a preface called the Letter to King Henry II. The predictions are a mixture of languages, including French, Greek, Latin, and Occitan, making them challenging to interpret. They cover various disasters, contributing to Nostradamus's reputation as a supposed seer with the ability to foresee the future.


Michel de Nostredame (1503–1566), commonly known as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician, and reputed seer who gained fame for his book "Les Prophéties" published in 1555. The book contains 942 poetic quatrains that allegedly predict future events. Born in 1503 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, he studied briefly at the University of Avignon and later at the University of Montpellier but faced challenges due to his background as an apothecary. He worked as a healer, gaining fame for creating a plague-protecting pill. Nostradamus's predictions have been both praised and criticized, with some claiming he accurately foresaw major world events while others consider his prophecies vague and subject to interpretation.


PREFACE TO CÉSAR NOSTRADAMUS ...............................................7
EPISTLE TO HENRY II ......................................................................... 15
CENTURY - I ........................................................................................ 29
CENTURY - II ...................................................................................... 46
CENTURY - III ..................................................................................... 63
CENTURY - IV ..................................................................................... 80
CENTURY - V ...................................................................................... 97
CENTURY - VI ................................................................................... 114
CENTURY - VII .................................................................................. 131
CENTURY - VIII ..................................................................................139
CENTURY - IX ....................................................................................156
CENTURY - X ..................................................................................... 173

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